Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival - Vendor Application

Every Civic Holiday Weekend, August 2 to August 5, 2024 


  1. Vendor Application: MUST be completed and submitted by Friday, March 29, 2024 (by 4:30 pm EST). Applicants requesting more than one (1) vendor stand location MUST submit an application for each separate location/site being requested. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  2. Notification of Acceptance: you will be notified of your application status by Friday, April 26, 2024. This will include your letter of acceptance and payments will be processed for accepted vendors on this date.
  3. Approved vendors: MUST include a certificate of insurance that MUST be received by Friday, June 14, 2024. Otherwise, your application will be invalid.

*NOTE: All payments are non-refundable once accepted and or withdrawn.

Criteria – Policies and Procedures

  • Methods of payment are accepted by cheque, cash, and/or credit card payment (Visa and MasterCard). All cheques must be made payable to: City of Port Colborne. NSF cheques will be charged a $25.00 fee.
  • All vendors MUST have their own awning/tent coverage, lengthy extension cords and any other equipment for the festival. All materials and equipment MUST be well maintained, presentable and conform to current fire, building and health code requirements
  • Tent structures must present proof that the tent meets a recognized flame-retardant standard CAN/ULC S109 or NFPA 701.
  • All tent structures 10 years of age or older must provide a "Flame Test" meeting NFPA 701, recommended practice for a Field Flame Test for Textiles and films NFPA 705.
  • Vendor sites will be assigned at the sole discretion of the event coordinator. The event coordinator reserves the right to make changes and modifications and designate specific vendors as sole proprietors for specific products. No on-site relocation is permitted.
  • Vendors are required to provide a detailed list of their products and or menu.
  • All Mobile Food Service Equipment shall have a current TSSA annual inspection certificate.
  • Cooking with fuel-fired appliances (open fires), smoking, the use of candles or other open flames are strictly prohibited in any tents used by the public.
  • Non-cooking vendors must have not less than a 2A10BC extinguisher and all cooking vendors must have not less than a 40BC or type K extinguisher.

Vendor Requirements

The following information MUST be included in your application to be considered:

  1. All necessary communication details and reference page.
  2. Description and photos of your vendor set-up including products listed for sale and pricing.
  3. A Lottery License MUST be attached if money is being received for a chance to win a prize and shall comply with the AGCO gaming regulations.
  4. The signed contract authorizing you to bind the completed vending application form.
  5. Certificate of Insurance with $2 million insurance policy naming the City of Port Colborne and the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation as additionally insured.

NOTE: Acceptance as a vendor in the previous Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival does not guarantee entry/participation in this year’s festival. The festival does not guarantee approved returning vendors that they will be provided with the same location as in previous years.

Hours of Operation:

Friday, August 2, 2024 - Noon to 11:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 4, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Monday, August 5, 2024 - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Application Contract

  1. Submission of a vendor application does not guarantee that the vendor will be offered an opportunity to participate at the festival.
  2. To submit a vendor application, the vendor must be in good standing, must not have violated any rules or regulations, must not have been previously banned from an event and must have paid all fees. The city may restrict the number and type of vendors and may select vendors who best meet the needs of the event as determined by the event coordinator. The city may require all food vendors to participate in a “credit” system for a limited number of tickets to accommodate our corporate sponsors. The city will pay for all meals included in the credit system within two weeks of the conclusion of the festival.
  3. All menus and products are subject to pre-approval by the City of Port Colborne, event coordinator prior to the event.
  4. Food vendors may only sell food items and cannot sell merchandise; likewise, retail vendors may only sell merchandise and cannot sell food items; and for the sale of tickets for any and all items involving a chance to win, must obtain a lottery license.
  1. Vendors must be fully set-up and prepare their assigned site on Friday, August 2, 2024, by 11:00 am. Vendors are required to open and close according to the hours of operation as listed above. Vehicles will not be permitted on the festival grounds after 11:00 am on Friday, August 2, and not before 5:00 pm on Monday, August 5. Closing early is not permitted.
  1. All vendor sites will be pre-assigned with NO on-site relocation There is no guarantee of any vendor location for returning vendors. Preference may be given to vendors who have an excellent history of service and who adhere to the application guidelines.
  1. Food vendors may only dump grey water in appropriate containers that will be provided at the festival site. Grey water must be free and clear of any foreign objects (i.e. solid food items, packaging, etc.).
  1. Vendors are required to provide their own commercial awning/tent/vendor booth and flooring, table, electrical extension cords, hoses, duct tape etc. as applicable. All awnings/tents and vendor stations being used by vendors must be well maintained and comply with current fire, WSIB, CSA, TSSA, building codes and Niagara Regional Public Health standards. These requirements must be included with the application.
  1. To mitigate electrical hazards from overhead power lines and to be in compliance with Canadian Niagara Power and the Electrical Safety Authority, all vendor structures are limited to a setup height of 10 feet, this includes flagpoles, marquees, signs, etc. If using tents or canopies, proper weights are mandatory to prevent lifting of structures.  
  1. Cancellation of an application will only be accepted before 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 19, 2024. Any cancellation after this time will not be eligible for a refund. Refunds will not be given for any reason after this time. Refunds will not be given in the event inclement causes a cancellation on any given day of the festival.
  1. Each vendor must provide proof of insurance and a Certificate of Insurance with $2 million insurance policy and provide the City of Port Colborne with a certificate of insurance naming the City of Port Colborne AND the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation as additional insured to the commercial liability rider of the vendor’s policy by Friday, June 14, 2024.
  1. The vendor hereby releases and discharges the Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival, the City of Port Colborne, its employees and its volunteers from any claim or demand for any loss, damage, injury or liability resulting from participation in the Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival. The vendor further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival, the City of Port Colborne and its employees and volunteers from any such claim or demand. While reasonable security will be provided The City of Port Colborne is not responsible for theft or damage of the possessions of vendors.
  1. ALL garbage generated by you and or your staff MUST be placed in a bag in your own container. The use of festival provided containers is NOT permitted. You will be removed from the festival if you move and or take a festival container. Staff will collect bagged garbage each night.

Water Fee: $230.00

Hydro Fee: $115.00

*NEW in 2024, hydro and water fees will be charged as flat rates as seen above. Please add these fees to your vendor fee if applicable. NOTE: hydro fees are complimentary for Port Colborne Community Groups. *

Note: Multi-Level Marketing retailers are not permitted.

Select what type of vendor you are applying for.
Which of the following applies to you
How do you plan on paying? You will be contacted for payment.
Do you require running water?
Do you require hydro? (Not available at all sites)