Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

47th Annual Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival - Vendor Application

August 1 to August 4, 2025

This year brings several important changes to the application, including tiered pricing. Before diving into the online application process, please make sure to read the New Vendor GuideShould you have any further questions please reach out to

Which of the following applies to you:
Are you interested in becoming a sponsor of Canal Days or other city events?

If you're interested in learning more about the Port Colborne sponsorship opportunities we invite you to explore the Corporate Partnership package

Are you new to Canal Days?

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Do you require running water ($230 + HST = $259.90)? Please consult the Application Guide before making your selection, as water is not available in all Zones.
Do you require hydro ($115 + HST =$129.95)? Please consult the Application Guide before making your selection, as hydro is not available in all Zones.
What type of vendor you are you?
Please choose your preferred space size. Note, not all Zones allow for larger setup. Please consult the Application Guide before making your selection.
Please select up to 3 Zones you would be willing to vend in. Note, event staff do not guarantee placement in your preferred zone.
If you are accepted as a 2025 vendor you will be contacted for payment. How do you plan on paying?

Terms and Conditions

As the vendor, I agree to abide by the terms and conditions and to enter into a legally binding contract with those terms and conditions if I am approed to participate in Canal Days.

I hereby release and discharge the Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival, the City of Port Colborne, its employees and its volunteers from any claim or demand for any loss, damage, injury or liability resulting from participation in the Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival.

I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival, the City of Port Colborne and its employees and volunteers from any such claim or demand.

While reasonable security will be provided, as the vendor I understand the City of Port Colborne is not responsible for theft or damage of the possessions of vendors.

I declare that I carry adequate liability and property insurance and I assume full responsibility for any liability or damages I cause or that occur to or by me while on the ‘host’ property at Canal Days Marine Heritage Festival. I agree to save harmless the Canal Days Festival (and its producers) and the City of Port Colborne properties from any claims.

I understand that failure to comply with the intent of this declaration may disqualify the vendor from participation in this and future markets, at the sole discretion of the producers.

I will comply with the Vendor Conduct Policy which states that at Canal Days, mutual respect is a priority. Vendors, staff, volunteers, and attendees are all expected to treat one another with respect at all times. Any form of violence, harassment, or mistreatment will not be tolerated. Violations of this policy, by anyone, may result in immediate removal from the event. 

By signing this application, I hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations contained herein, and rules that may be introduced from time to time throughout the festival hours of operation.

I hereby acknowledge that I have read the Vendor Guide. 

I will comply with all regulatory codes and provisions as administered by Port Colborne Fire Department, the Port Colborne Building Department, the Niagara Regional Police, Niagara Regional Public Health, TSSA, provincially and locally, and by those of the Festival’s Committee.

