Thank you for your interest in participating in Port Colborne SportsFest Festival of Sports™ 2025, and for your contribution to making this event great. We look forward to a fun-filled weekend with you! Please fill out the application for partnership below, the deadline is December 16th, 2024.
*Please note, this year there is no fee associated with participating in SportsFest, we simply ask that some of the proceeds from your event are donated back to a charity /non-profit beneficiary of your choice. Thank you!
Partnership Letter of Agreement
I hereby agree to become a partner for Sportsfest 2025. As a partner, I understand that our group will organize our own winter activity, special event, or tournament as part of Sportsfest 2025. As a partner, I will receive the assistance of the City of Port Colborne’s Corporate Services, Recreation division to answer any questions. I further understand that partnership benefits will not be provided, and this agreement will not be binding on the Corporation until this agreement is executed by a corporation representative in the space initailed below.
Please share with us any additional details and provide any photos of your past events to help better promote Sportsfest to the community.
Terms and Conditions
You are responsible for providing your own event insurance and ensuring the safety of all participants, as well as booking any facilities needed to host your event. Please note that the last date to enter into a Partnership Agreement with the Corporation is December 16th, 2024.
Contact Information