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Port Colborne Waterfront Redevelopment Project

View the concept scenarios before or while completing the questionnaire.


Please provide your honest feedback on the scenarios. We look forward to gaining some insight from the community to inform the future of this important site for the City of Port Colborne.

Scenario 1 - Public Focus 

What is your overall response to Scenario 1?
Specifically, how do you view the standalone one-storey Waterfront Event Centre building?

Scenario 2 - Public/Private Focus

What is your overall response to Scenario 2?
Specifically, how do you view the standalone seven-storey combined residential, commercial, and Waterfront Event Centre building?

Scenario 3 - Private Focus 

What is your overall response to Scenario 3?
Specifically, how do you view the standalone seven-storey combined residential building and Waterfront Event Centre building?
What are your views of the additional five-storey residential and commercial building at the corner of Sugarloaf Street and King Street?

Overall Questions